Sunday, April 10, 2011

Writer Band Debut Album and President Near-Miss

So I was in Washington D. C. over the weekend for my birthday with my wife and two friends.  On Saturday, around 2pm, we visited the Lincoln Memorial.  We were halfway up the stairs when security started turning people back and sealing off the area with caution tape.  Thinking we were in the midst of a biological warfare attack, we walked away at a brisk pace.  Three snipers on the roof of the memorial reinforced my decision to begin speed-walking.  Turns out, the secret service along with the snipers and K-9-assisted officers were securing the area for President Obama's surprise visit. 

At least I got to see half of the stairs of the memorial, right?  Did I mention that the reflective pool was completely drained and filled with mounds of sand?  Not everyone gets to see it that way.

Anyway, since my weekend began early, no one knows the unfortunate news—I'm on hiatus from the Office Band.  But the good news is, I recorded a debut album with a new group of guys and we're calling ourselves the Writer Band!  Below is a promotional photo (notice the "less-messing-around" attitude) along with the EPIC track-listing of our dual-disk album.

The Writer Band
Slaying the Future with Words and One Sword

Disk 1:

  1. I should begin my novel, but I'm too busy designing the book cover
  2. Go format yourself
  3. Excuse me, do you know anyone with regular blue eyes?
  4. The white, fluffy, cute, perpendicular, awesome clouds up there
  6. He drove from Wisconsin to Thailand
  7. My pen name is Dominating Writer, but my real name is Ashley, and I'm a guy
  8. That toilet reminds me of a story I once wrote
  9. Your piss-inn me off more then ya kno!?!
  10. Show + Tell Show
  11. It gets better at the end of chapter 93
  12. My manuscript owns its own umbrella
  13. WTH is a typewriter?
  14. Dear agent/editor/publisher/whatever,
  15. I told you last week that I'll do the dishes right after I finish this sentence...
  16. If I had 1/20 a penny for every "was" in my novel, I'd have $5
  17. The language I invented

Disk 2:

  1. Motorcycle Chief (because you weren't expecting it)
  2. My last stamp
  3. People who understand peacocks will understand this
  4. The one writer who didn't own a cat
  5. The name's Published, Self-Published
  6. Bring your thesaurus, and a taser
  7. I'M YELLING NOW!!!!!!!!!!
  8. !!!!!!!!!!
  9. I'll have Scotch.  No, not the tape.
  10. Says so on Wikipedia
  11. Take me to your noun
  12. Comma-machine-gun
  13. He said, "YA" and his buddy said, "The genre, or are you agreeing with me?"
  14. Based on true plagiarism
  15. I’m a fry-cook, cattle-herder, finger-nail technician and novelist.
  16. Here, take my blog, ICQ, AIM, Facebook, Myspace, email, gmail, hotmail, Skype, Napster, waist size, and SSN information.  And this sample chapter and poem and pencil and backpack and signed book copy and $10 and hair braids and hair extensions and used Legos and my left sneaker, please.
  17. The end
  18. Twist, LOL! (The Hidden Song found at 19:24 during the static)

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