Thursday, December 1, 2011

Waiting...And Another Anthology?

I’m still alive!

I finally wrapped up editing one of my novels for a competition.  I had to add 10,000 words and fill in a few holes, but I can honestly say that this is my best work to date.  Did I mention I’m mentally tired?  Especially after putting The Memory Eater through two rounds of edits.

I’ve been reading a lot lately—a few short stories from Fantasy and Science Fiction’s 60th Anniversary Anthology (wasn’t impressed at all), Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey (simply a creative masterpiece, although the last third of the book goes off the deep end), and now I’m reading Diary, also by Chuck Palahniuk.  I also started Jodi Picoult’s The Tenth Circle and have Something Wicked This Way Comes waiting for me on the bookshelf.

Aside from reading, I’m waiting to hear back from some publishers/agents.  The good news is, three publishers have expressed interest, two of which are reading portions of the book.  The bad news is, the timeline is out of my hands.

But it feels good to have most of the workload done, at least for now.  It’s an early Christmas present.

Speaking of presents, I’d like to congratulate two authors (Laura and Alex) who made the short list with their Memory Eater submissions.  I ultimately decided to pass on these two stories (I’m not kidding when I say it was really, really hard to pass them up), but they have since been accepted for publication elsewhere.  Woot!

On a side note, I’m really, really, really excited for people to read The Memory Eater.  Everyone who contributed has blown my expectations away.  The stories are well-crafted works of art, and the illustrations are simply beautiful.  I’m working on a few teasers but don’t want to release anything prematurely, so we’ll see where things go.

In the meantime, I’ll be working on some posts the next few weeks and will update the blog with any news I may receive, so check back soon.

I'm also brainstorming ideas for the next anthology.  I have a few in mind that might be a lot of fun.  If you have any you'd like me to consider, either email me or post them in the comments below.

Casper, out!

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